The Ph.D. Board solicits all Ph.D. students to spend a few months for research abroad to gain an international view of studying, researching, and for networking.
This page provides information on the periods spent for study and research activities abroad or in Italy. The rulings are with reference to the regulation of the Ph.D. programs at the University of Pisa and other applicable laws (PNRR).
The procedures of this page apply in case of periods of at least 15 days. For shorter periods, follow the normal procedure for trips (missioni).
Study and research abroad
Ph.D. students can spend up to a maximum 18 months abroad for study and research activities at public or private research centers or universities. The period can be split into more than one sub-periods in different places and times. Each sub-period requires its own authorization and subsequent procedures.
For the PNRR, PNRR-PA and PNRR-TDA scholarships, there is a minimum mandatory period of 6 months and a maximum period of 12 months (or 18 months only in case of co-direction/co-tutela). The period can be split into more than one sub-periods in different places and times. Each sub-period requires its own authorization and subsequent procedures.
Before starting any period of study and research abroad, a formal authorization by the Ph.D. Board must be obtained. It is recommended to start the procedure several months before the planned period.
Procedure for authorization:
- The Ph.D. student agrees with her/his supervisors on the place, activities, and timings of the period abroad
- The Ph.D. student and the supervisors ask the hosting institution for a formal invitation letter
- At least two months before the planned start of the period, the Ph.D. student sends an email to; cc-ing the supervisors, with the following information:
- the invitation letter by the hosting institution/company (in case of PNRR scholarship mandatory period in a company, the invitation letter must follow this template ENG or template ITA)
- the request form using this template
- the positive opinion of the supervisors
- The coordinator/PhD Board will evaluate the request and either
- ask for more details
- or, provide the formal authorization letter
- in such a case, the Ph.D. student can request the increase of the scholarship and start the period
- or, provide the formal refusal letter
- in such a case, the Ph.D. student cannot start the period.
Scholarship increase
To support the increased living costs during the period abroad, the scholarship is increased by 50% for that period. No increase is granted to supernumerary PhD students.
Once authorized, the Ph.D. student will ask for the scholarship increase by following the procedure at this page. Here it is a summary of the procedure, each step is performed by opening a ticket at “sportello virtuale”:
- before starting the period:
- the Ph.D. student provides the authorization signed by the coordinator (“Modulo di autorizzazione”)
- at the end of the period or at the end of each month during the period:
- the Ph.D. student asks for the payment of the scholarship increase by attaching the request form (“Modulo MAG”)
- at the end of the period:
- the Ph.D. student provides a letterhead and signed attestation of the hosting institution of the exact start and end dates of the visit and a brief description of the activities performed.
Periods abroad and trips (missioni)
The travel to the hosting institution/company and return can be reimbursed by following the normal procedure for trips (missioni).
During the stay abroad, participation to events (conference, workshops, etc,) is possible through the normal procedure for trips (missioni).
Study and research in Italy
Ph.D. students can spend periods for study and research activities at public or private research centers or universities in Italy.
For the PNRR-PA and PNRR-TDA scholarships, there is a minimum mandatory period of 6 months and a maximum period of 12 months to be specifically spent in public administration institutions or in private companies. The period can be split into more than one sub-periods in different places and times. Each sub-period requires its own authorization and subsequent procedures.
No increase of the scholarship is granted for periods of study and research in Italy.
Before starting any period of study an research in Italy, a formal authorization by the PhD Board must be obtained. It is recommended to start the procedure several months before the planned period.
Procedure for authorization:
- The Ph.D. student agrees with her/his supervisors on the place, activities, and timings of the period in Italy
- At least two months before the planned start of the period, the PhD student sends an email to; cc-ing the supervisors, with the following information:
- the invitation letter by the hosting institution/company (in case of PNRR scholarship mandatory period in a company, the invitation letter must follow this template ENG or template ITA)
- the request form using this template
- the positive opinion of the supervisors
- If required, the secretariat of the Ph.D. program will contact the host institution for the signature of a hosting agreement
- The coordinator/Ph.D. Board will evaluate the request and either
- ask for more details
- or, provide the formal authorization letter
- in such a case, the Ph.D. student can start the period
- or, provide the formal refusal letter
- in such a case, the Ph.D. student cannot start the period.
Periods in Italy and trips (missioni)
The trip to the hosting institution/company can be reimbursed by following the normal procedure for trips (missioni).
During the stay in Italy, participation to events (conference, workshops, etc,) is possible through the normal procedure for trips (missioni).