The kickoff event of the National Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence – Society 2023-2024

The kickoff event of the National Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence – Society took place at the beautiful Aula Magna Storica in La Sapienza building in Pisa on November 20th.

The event started with an introduction by the coordinator of the National Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence Prof. Dino Pedreschi and by the Pro-Rector of the University of Pisa Prof. Bernardo Tellini.

After a short greeting by the representatives of the involved institutions and a small presentation about the Ph.D. programme by the coordinator Prof. Dino Pedreschi and the vice-coordinator Prof. Anna Monreale, professors and students have been able to meet for a frugal lunch.

The event was held in blended mode: part of the students and professors attended in person, others were connected remotely.