Where: Aula Magna, Building E, Area Bruno Pontecorvo, Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, Pisa (Italy)
When: Monday 4 July 2022, h 15:00-16:30
This event is part of the Ph.D. AI & Society Summer School 2022 and Joint Session with workshop EmbeDS.
Over the last decade, AI researchers have made groundbreaking progress in hard longstanding problems related to machine learning, computer vision, speech recognition, and autonomous systems. Despite this success of AI, its adoption so far is mostly in low-risk applications, while the uptake in medium/high-risk applications, which might have a deeper transformative impact on our society, such as in healthcare, public administration, safety-critical industry etc., is still low compared to expectations. The reasons for such lagging are profound. Adoption barriers include perceived challenges to the autonomy and the oversight capacity of human users, the required effort, dissatisfaction with user interfaces and, above all, trust concerns related to poor users’ knowledge about the assumptions, limitations and capabilities of AI systems.
Well beyond currently available technologies, we need AI systems capable of interacting and collaborating with humans, of perceiving and acting within evolving contexts, of being aware of their own limitations and able to adapt to new situations, and interact appropriately in complex social settings, of being aware of their perimeters of security and trust, and of being attentive to the environmental and social impact that their implementation and execution may entail. In short, we need AI that does not yet exist.
The panelists will address, form their unique perspectives, the question: along which lines will the future of AI research unfold?
Francesca Chiaromonte (Scuola Sant’Anna)

I received a Laurea (cum laude) in Statistic and Economic Sciences from the University of Rome La Sapienza (Rome, IT), where I worked with Giovanni Dosi on a thesis titled Processes of Microeconomic Innovation and Macroeconomic Dynamics, and a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN, USA), where I worked with R. Dennis Cook on a thesis titled A Reduction Paradigm for Multivariate Laws.
At the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies I am a faculty in the Institute of Economics, the scientific coordinator of EMbeDS (a MIUR-funded Department of Excellence for Economics and Management in the era of Data Science) since 2018, and the internal referent for the PhD in Data Science — established as a consortium with the Scuola Normale Superiore, the University of Pisa, the CNR and the IMT of Lucca in 2017. At Penn State (University Park, PA, USA) I work in the Department of Statistics, I have a courtesy affiliation with the Department of Public Health Sciences, and I am active in the Institute for Genome Sciences (one of the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences), the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics and the Center for Medical Genomics. In 2019, I have been named the Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Statistics for the Life Sciences.
Other academic institutions where I entertain collaborations and spent time over the years include the MOX laboratory of the Politecnico di Milano (Milan, IT), the Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi e Informatica of the CNR (Rome, IT), the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics of UCLA (Los Angeles, CA, USA), the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Biology of NYU (New York, NY, USA), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Laxenburg, AT), and the Santa Fe Institute (Santa Fe NM, USA).
Since 2016, I am a Fellow of the American Statistical Association “for outstanding collaborative work in high throughput biology, contributions to methodology in statistics and bioinformatics, commitment to interdisciplinary research, and leadership in developing training programs at the interface of statistics, computation and the life sciences.
Rita Cucchiara (University of Modena & Reggio Emilia)

She is ELLIS Fellow and Director of the Modena unit of the European ELLIS network, of the NVIDIA AI Technical Center (NVAITC@UNIMORE) and ELLIS representative member on the EU board of ADRA (AI Data and Robotics Association). Since 2020, she is coordinated the working group on Artificial Intelligence of MUR PNR2021-2027 and collaborates with the Presidency Minister Council of Italy for AI. Since 2021 she is in the Advisory Board of Max Plank IIS (Tubing, Germany) and of the Computer Vision Center (Barcelona, Spain). Since 2022 she is member of the Director Board of Italian Institute of Technology (Italy), Prometeia spa and ART-ER.
In the past, (2018-21) she has been Director of the Lab. CINI National Lab AIIS and (2016-18) she was President of the Italian Ass. in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning and member of the IAPR Board. She is part of Advisory Board of CVC and ECVA, the main foundations for Computer Vision Conferences and is currently Associate Editor of IEEE T-PAMI. Many organization roles: GC of IAPR2020, MM2020, ECCV2022, CVPR2024, PC of ICCV2017, Area Chair of many editions of CVPR, ICCV, NeurIPS, ECCAI. She is co-author of more than 500 scientific publications with current Scholar H-index 61.
Fosca Giannotti (Scuola Normale Superiore)

Michela Milano (University of Bologna)

Her research activity concerns Artificial Intelligence with particular focus on decision support and optimization systems covering both theoretical and practical aspects in application fields as energy, mobility, computing, policy making and sustainability. In this field Michela Milano has achieved international visibility and has collaborations with many research groups and companies. She is Editor in Chief of the Constraints Journal, Member of the Editorial Board of ACM Computing Surveys for the area of Artificial Intelligence, past Area Editor of INFORMS Journal on Computing in the area Logic, Constraint and Optimization. She has edited two collections on hybrid optimization and she is author of more than 170 papers on peer reviewed international conferences and journals. On these topics Michela Milano has given many tutorials and keynote talks in in the major international conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
She coordinated many European, Italian and regional projects and she is responsible of collaborations with industries. In 2016 she has been the recipient of the Google Faculty Research Award on the use of deep network in combinatorial optimization.
Sara Tonelli (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)

I have a Phd in Language Sciences from Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice. In 2020 I got the national habilitation as Associate Professor (seconda fascia) for the area `Information Systems’ 09/H1. I am also a member of ELLIS, the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, and an appointed Honorary Fellow (cultore della materia) in Computational Linguistics L-LIN/01 at Università di Pavia, Italy.
I was involved in the past in several European project: Pescado (FP7 – keyword extraction), Terence (FP7 – event-based text simplification), NewsReader (FP7 – event extraction and semantic role recognition), SIMPATICO (H2020 – text simplification in the administrative domain), HATEMETER (REC – social media monitoring for islamopohobia detection), CREEP (EitDIGITAL – Cyberbullying detection).
Anna Monreale (University of Pisa), Moderator

Science of the Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, New Jersey, USA) (2010). Her research interests include big data analytics, social networks analysis and the study of privacy and ethical issues rising in learning AI models from these kinds of social and human sensitive data. In particular, she is interested in the evaluation of privacy risks during analytical processes, in the definition of privacy-by-design technologies in the era of big data, and in the definition of methods for explaining black box decision systems. She earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pisa in June 2011 and her dissertation was about privacy-by-design in data mining.