This page includes useful information for the Ph.D. students on the timeline for their Ph.D. studies, including the advancements at the end of each academic year and the admission to the next year. The dates are with reference to the default starting date of 1st Nov. For Ph.D. students who started later on during the calendar year, please shift all dates accordingly.
Ph.D. timeline – First Year
Supervisor assignment (2nd May, first year)
The Ph.D. Board assigns to each Ph.D. student a supervisor and one or more co-supervisors. At least one of them must be from academics. The supervisor and the co-supervisors guide and monitor the research activity of the PhD student.
Ph.D. students can propose a supervisor and one or more co-supervisors already in December at the time of submitting the study plan, or at the latest by the 2nd May of the first year by sending an email to; In the meantime, the principal investigator of the project/institution funding the Ph.D. scholarship will act as the “default” supervisor. The default supervisor of the supernumerary Ph.D. students is the coordinator.
Assessment panel (1st July, first year)
The supervisors propose to the Ph.D. Board the composition of the individual assessment panel of the Ph.D. student, that has an advising role for the yearly Ph.D. student assessment. The assessment panel is composed of:
- the supervisors and the co-supervior(s)
- at least 2 additional members to cover multi-disciplinary perspectives of the research of the Ph.D. student
respecting the constraint that at least 2 members of the panel shall be members of the Ph.D. Board.
The proposed composition of the panel shall be sent at the latest by the 1st July by sending an email to;
Planning of the first-year assessment meeting (31st July, first year)
The supervisors shall contact the assessment panel to fix a 1 hour meeting in the period 15 September – 15 October for the presentation of the Ph.D. proposal by the Ph.D. student.
PhD proposal (15th September, first year)
The Ph.D. student prepares:
- a Ph.D. proposal, which consists of a paper of about 30 pages with the research questions to be investigated during the PhD studies, with their motivations and challenges, and with an overview of the state-of-the-art of the area of research;
- a 30 min + 10 min Q&A presentation of the PhD proposal in front of the assessment panel;
- an advancement report using this template, which must be signed by the supervisor. The list of published papers (not submitted or non-archival) must be inserted in the ARPI system. Credentials to access ARPI can be requested to
The three documents shall be sent to the assessment panel and in cc to by 15th September.
Moreover, the certification of attendance/exam (see attendance statements) of courses attended/passed during the year shall be sent to by the same date of 15th September.
First-year assessment meeting (15th September – 15th October, first year)
On the planned date for the first year assessment meeting, the Ph.D. student will present the Ph.D. proposal and the advancement report to the assessment panel. The meeting consists of 30 min presentation + 10 min Q&A + 20 min discussion among the assessment panel members.
At the end of the meeting, the assessment panel shall write an assessment report and send it to;
Admission to the second year (31st October, first year)
On the basis of the Ph.D. proposal, advancement report, and assessment report, the Ph.D. Board decide whether or not to admit the PhD student to the second year. Students who are not admitted are withdrawn from the Ph.D. program.
Ph.D. timeline – Second Year
Planning of the second-year assessment meeting (31st July, second year)
The supervisors shall contact the assessment panel to fix a 1 hour meeting in the period 15 September – 15 October for the presentation of the advancement report by the Ph.D. student.
Advancement report (15th September, second year)
The PhD student prepares:
- a 30 min + 10 min Q&A presentation of the status of the research in front of the assessment panel;
- an advancement report using this template, which must be signed by the supervisor. The list of published papers (not submitted or non-archival) must be inserted in the ARPI system. Credentials to access ARPI can be requested to
The two documents shall be sent to the assessment panel and in cc to by 15th September.
Moreover, the certification of attendance/exam (see attendance statements) of courses attended/passed during the year shall be sent to by the same date of 15th September.
Second year assessment meeting (15th September – 15th October, second year)
On the planned date for the second year assessment meeting, the Ph.D. student will present the status of the research and the advancement report to the assessment panel. The meeting consists of 30 min presentation + 10 min Q&A + 20 min discussion among the assessment panel members.
At the end of the meeting, the assessment panel shall write an assessment report and send it to;
Admission to the third year (31st October, second year)
On the basis of the advancement report, and of the assessment report, the Ph.D. Board decide whether or not to admit the PhD student to the third year. Students who are not admitted are withdrawn from the Ph.D. program.
Ph.D. timeline – Third Year
Prorogation of the Ph.D. studies (1st July, third year)
Applications to prorogation of the Ph.D. studies shall be agreed by the PhD student and the supervisors. The Ph.D. student applies by sending an email to; cc-ing the supervisor(s), with a proposed prorogation period (max 12 months) and a brief motivation.
Applications for prorogation should be normally submitted at least four months before the end of the Ph.D. studies. This time is required for all administrative procedures necessary to evaluate and implement the prorogation.
A granted prorogation moves the end of the Ph.D. studies at the end of the prorogation period.
The prorogation period is normally not inclusive of the scholarship.
Advancement report (1st October, third year)
The Ph.D. student prepares an advancement report using this template, which must be signed by the supervisor, and send it to by 1st October of the third year. This date is valid also in case of prorogation of the PhD studies. The list of published papers (not submitted or non-archival) must be inserted in the ARPI system. Credentials to access ARPI can be requested to
Moreover, the certification of attendance/exam (see attendance statements) of courses attended/passed during the year shall be sent to by the same date of 1st October.
Final exam application (31st October, third year)
Before the end of the third year, the Ph.D. student shall submit the “Final Exam Application” through the Alice website ( This includes the fulfilment of the mandatory questionnaire “Ph.D. Candidates Survey. Evaluation of the study and research experience and future perspectives”. Follow the instructions at this page. The Final Exam Application is mandatory even in case of prorogation or extension of the the delivery of the Ph.D. thesis.
Important: starting from 2025, the application requires to pay a stamp of 16 euros (“marca da bollo”, you can buy it at any tobacco shop). If the online form is closed, please fill the paper form at the instruction page above, attach the stamp, scan and send it by opening a ticket or by bridging it in person at ufficio dottorato (Palazzina ex albergo marzotto (dma) – Via Filippo Buonarroti, 1/c, 56127 Pisa).
Regarding the SSD: the application form requires to indicate the “settore scientifico-disciplinare” (SSD) of the thesis, which is a topic classification of the Italian university system. The National Ph.D. program in AI is accredited for the following SSDs that you can choose based on the topic of your thesis: INFO-01/A INFORMATICA; IINF-05/A SISTEMI DI ELABORAZIONE DELLE INFORMAZIONI; STAT-01/A STATISTICA; PHYS-03/A FISICA SPERIMENTALE DELLA MATERIA E APPLICAZIONI; MATH-04/A FISICA MATEMATICA; GSPS-05/A SOCIOLOGIA GENERALE; GSPS-06/A SOCIOLOGIA DEI PROCESSI CULTURALI E COMUNICATIVI; ECON-07/A ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE; ECON-08/A ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE; MEDS-24/A STATISTICA MEDICA; PHYS-01/A FISICA SPERIMENTALE
Admission to the PhD thesis defence (31st October, third year, or end date of prorogation)
There is no assessment meeting at the end of the third year.
It is responsibility of the supervisors to evaluate the eligibility of the Ph.D. thesis for the review process and final defence. See the web page on graduation.